Question 2: how does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

In this blog I’m going to answer the second question, of my creative critical reflection. The question is. How does your product engage with audiences, and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

I’m going to answer this question, by using uses and gratification theory. So what is this theory?

People actively look for certain media to meet their requirements. Film noir is not to everyone’s taste. So therefore, my film Appeals to those who love film noir and Hollywood films of a certain period. It also appeals to people of both sexes and people of ages 15 and above. It should also appeal to those who have a greater knowledge, a film history. This film would also work with international audiences, providing it has been translated into multiple languages. This film would also be able to appeal to all, socio-economic-backgrounds providing it has a recognizable cast and crew.

This frame grab of the old 20th Century Fox logo, indicates the films appeal to lovers of all the films and that is why it is in black-and-white.

This medium shot of Danny (the protagonist) sitting at his desk, with hats and newspaper, is an example of a classic film noir opening scene. It also makes use of chiascuro lighting. This reassures film noir lovers, that they are in familiar territory. Attractive male lead will appeal to women.

Shot of Marion (the femme fatale) a strong female sex appeal towards men. Particularly in this shot, when powdering her face. It is the powdering, that shows her vulnerability.

In fact this whole scene, involving Danny and Marion was modeled on the opening of “The Maltese Falcon” (1941).

When this film is distributed, choose Fox Studios. Because of their reputation with film noir production and also because they are still in existence. On releasing the film, I shall aim for the summer blockbuster season. As the film is set in the summer time. For this film could also, money in winter for when and if it is shown on television, around Christmas time. After a short run on the cinema screens, The film will eventually reach the small screens through distribution on Home video and online streaming, as well as occasional TV broadcasts. In addition to distribution of the film, there will also be distribution of merchandise such as video games spin-offs.
