Pitch for documentary.

Coursework Proposal:

Answer the following questions:

1.       Will you work independently or in a group? If a group, who will you be working with?

I will work independently, but I may ask another person to do voice-over work for me or to provide the voice of Chaplin.

2.       What will the subject of your documentary be? Explain what key questions you will be asking about the subject.

Subject: Charlie Chaplin’s early life and its influence on his career.

·         How did Charlie Chaplin’s family life affect his film subject matter?
·         How did his early poverty impact on his story-lines?
·         Did going into the workhouse help or hinder his creativity?
·         How did his early music-hall experiences prepare him for his screen-acting career?
·         How did his early experiences as a Londoner help him as a character actor and help him create the look of his movies?

3.       Who will your target audience(s) be? Remember you can have primary, secondary, tertiary audiences and use proper audience terminology when describing them (demographics like age, gender, etc. and psychographics like aspirer, reformer, mainstreamer etc).

The primary audience will be adults (mainly 35+ years) who are interested in film and the arts. I will aim it at both genders equally, although it may appeal more to educated older males (based on my own observations of people who attend silent film festivals). The programme would be made in collaboration with the Open University.

The secondary audience will be broader. Even younger people know of Charlie Chaplin and the slapstick elements in the programme will attract them. Once they are watching, I want to show them more than just the comic side of Chaplin.

The tertiary audience will be those who flick through channels and stay because of the appeal of Chaplin and slapstick comedy.

The main psychographic groups will be:
·         Explorers – seek out new things and information. This documentary will contain little-known facts about Charlie Chaplin that will appeal to them. People who are doing Open University courses may have this documentary as a part of their course-work.
·         Reformers – they seek personal growth and the BBC mission to inform, educate and entertain (this documentary aims to do all three) fits them the best.
·         Succeeders – confident people who buy and seek high quality brands (e.g. BBC 4 documentaries). I personally think that Chaplin is a high-quality brand himself.

1.       What research of the topic will you need to do? Remember that your research should show greater sophistication than your research for the Foundation Portfolio.

The sources will include:

·         Two books: Charlie Chaplin’s own autobiography (1968) and David Robinson’s very detailed biography of Chaplin (1983). Both provide interesting and accurate information about Chaplin’s early life.

·         Various websites about Charlie Chaplin e.g. https://www.brentonfilm.com/?s=Chaplin
·         http://www.shadyoldlady.com/tour.php?tour=47 , but there are many more.

·         The London Cinema Museum http://www.cinemamuseum.org.uk

·         A documentary by Kevin Brownlow (Unknown Chaplin) which describes in detail Chaplin’s various film-making techniques.

·         UK census website 1891 and 1901. I have purchased access to this site for the purposes of this project. I will use this to identify locations Chaplin was living and other characters in his biographies.

2.       What style of mode of documentary will your adopt? What codes and conventions of the documentary genre will you adhere to? Will you subvert any of these expected codes? How will you use film and photography editing tools in a more sophisticated way than last year? What specifically will you have to learn to do this and how will this help you to be more creative?

This will be mainly expositional with a voice over acting as the “Voice of God”. I have filmed some participatory pieces to camera already, but have not decided if I will use them. Archive material (film and still images) will be used. Rostrum style (Ken Burns effect) can be used for stills. I have a number of contacts who are experts on Chaplin. For the longer documentary (and perhaps this extract) I might be able to get a face to face interview for a piece to camera. To do this I will need to attend a film event they are going to e.g., at the London Cinema Museum.

I will to learn how to do the Ken Burns effect and how to edit sound on Adobe Premier. I used this software last year for the Film Noir project but aim to use better editing this time.  Having gained experience using Apple iMovie since then, I would be keen to use a more professional product.

3.       What planning tasks will you carry out? You can include ant planning but should include what you intend to do for your preliminary task, and how you will test this on you target audience.

I will find locations in London where CC lived and grew up from websites and the biographies and then go to London to film and photograph a number of them as they appear today. I will obtain period images of those sites if available from books and the internet. I will need to find on-line tutorials, or a tutor, to help me use Adobe Premier.

I am uncertain what the preliminary task involves and need to discuss this.
If this preliminary task is to make a shorter extract then I could show this to the Arts Award group which will include educated younger adults, but the views of teachers in that group will match the BBC4 type of audience (age 35+ and educated).

4.       Minor tasks and potential distribution – how will you create a clear sense of branding between the five minute documentary extract and the social media (?website) and poster minor tasks? Which TV channel would you see broadcasting your documentary and why? How would you make three productions fit into their house style and appeal to their target audience?

I will reconstruct a BBC-like website using their logos (BBC4 and Open University). I will look at a number of BBC posters on-line and try to copy their style.

I see BBC4 being the broadcaster. I have previously made a blog that reviewed TV channels and digital platforms that air and commission documentaries and came to this conclusion.

I feel BBC4 is the best channel to pitch my documentary to because their programmes are aimed at a more mature demographic 35+ and they commission niche projects in arts related subjects, which use archive footage on obscure themes. Documentaries from BBC4 that are similar to my series are:

Paul Merton’s Silent Clowns
Neil Brand’s The sound of Cinema.

Commercial and digital platforms and channels are unsuitable for my documentary because their documentaries are aimed at the mainstream and are more for entertainment value than to inform and educate.

5.       Practical considerations – draw up a schedule of when and where you will film your documentary – be very specific in terms of place and time. What equipment will you need? What permissions and risk assessments will your need to sort out? Who will you recruit to help you? Hat problems do you anticipate?

Locations around London will be filmed at half term – late October 2019.

I will use an HD video camera with tripod. Any pieces to camera will be done with a lapel microphone to reduce background noise. Still images will be taken with a digital camera.

Still archival images will be collected over the next few weeks along with relevant movie clips. These will need to be downloaded from DVD or the internet and converted into a format for editing (MP4). I will put images and films on a USB memory stick.

Where images or movies are copyright, then I will need to seek permissions.

I do not think there will be many risks travelling to London and shooting on London streets, but I would like your advice how to complete the risk assessment bit.

I will not need many recruits, but for Chaplin’s voice I would like to use an older male voice. A relative or teacher could work here.

Problems: it might not be possible to match schedules with the experts. I have previously had problems doing this when making another documentary. Weather might also play a part with outdoor shooting.

6.       Any other thoughts, questions or ideas should be noted here.
