Narration script.

This is the narration script for my documentary. I have split the narration in to sections, to make it easier when recording. Please note: the narration heard on the finished film, might differ from this script. Also I have highlighted some cut out bits in RED.

In 1921, Charlie Chaplin had just finished making one of his greatest films, “The Kid” with its themes of childhood, deprivation and devotion. It was his most autobiographical film to date. He started work on another film, [a comedy two-reeler, REMOVED] but his heart was not in it.

He had developed an “insatiable desire” to visit London. He told his assistant to pack, closed the studio, and gave his employees an instant holiday. In his own words, on arriving in London, he yearned for the sight of old familiar places, and described that desire as like an obsession.

Charlie Chaplin was born into poverty at the end of the 19th century, yet this humble start did not stop him from becoming a global superstar. His career spanned over 70 years and his image is still iconic today, over 40 years after his death.
 But what was his appeal and is his comedy still relevant?

But where did it all start?

Chaplin was born in London on April 16th 1889. In his 1916 autobiography, written when he was just 27, he recalled his place of birth as a small town in France. How this came about, he said, was because his parents were music-hall entertainers travelling and performing on the Continent.

By his 1964 autobiography, written at the age of 75, he had corrected his place of birth to East Street, South London, a much more likely location - a market street at the time, and still one today.


Perhaps, like all of us, having no recollection of his day of birth, he relied on what his relatives first told him, or perhaps he was seeking to make his origins more exotic for his mainly American market. If so, he need not have bothered, the real story of his early life with its ups and downs, poverty and parish care, family love and family heartbreak is complex enough to fill and sell many books.

Chaplin was born to Charles Chaplin Senior and his wife Hannah, who was born Hannah Harriet Hill. He joined his half brother, Sidney, who was 4 years his senior. Sidney had been born to Hannah in 1885 as a result of a short-lived relationship. [REMOVED with a bookmaker, Sydney Hawkes. Charles senior had been lodging at the same house as Hannah, at 57 Brandon Street while she was pregnant. Less then 14 weeks after Sydney’s birth, they were marries at St. John’s Church, Larcom Street, Walworth.] Removed as not needed and to keep the focus on Charlie ‘s history.]

Charles was 22 and Hannah just 20. On the marriage certificate, Charles described himself as a professional singer, but there are no records confirming that. What is known is that Hannah had been performing on stage going back to 1884 under the name Lily Harley. Magazine records confirm that Charles Senior was certainly performing by 1887, two years before Charlie was born.

So both of Charles Juniors’ parents worked in the music-hall, but neither of them had come from a stage background. They were, however, young at a time when British music hall was booming. At that time there were thirty six music-halls in London alone, and over two hundred across the rest of the country. There was a constant need for people of talent to fill all these venues.

Many of the London-based performers lived south of the river in Kennington, Lambeth, Walworth and Brixton, and Kennington Road pubs were their popular hang-outs. The pubs also provided work for entertainers when better-paid theatrical jobs were unavailable. Life as a music-hall entertainer could pay very well for the successful few, but it was not at all secure, as the four Chaplin’s were to find out.
